The Best Way To Lose Weight

The “best” way to do anything is usually less fact and more of an opinion. So be wary when someone says, “the best” anything… it’s probably their opinion. And what you’re about to read is no different! THIS comes from years of personal struggle to lose weight. Countless attempts were made and most failed. Diet […]
Top 6 Deadliest Diets

You Could Be Spending $$$ Secretly Ruining Your Health And Making It Harder To Lose Weight Did you know that there are diets that exist that should really just be called “DIES”… without the “T”? Just a heads up… What you’re about to read… Is a very RAW (and unfiltered) frustration that I have with […]
5 Things I Did To Climb Out Of My ‘Weight Loss’ Rock Bottom…

After I gained 20 pounds in ONE MONTH! 😲 Ok quick question… How many times have you lost weight only to gain it back? That shit is so STUPID! I did it WAYYYY too many times.. So many that I lost count. This has been such a common theme for the women that come to […]